North Yorkshire County Council




Minutes of the remote meeting held on Tuesday, 15th February 2022 commencing at 11.00 am.


County Councillor Carl Les in the Chair. Plus County Councillors Gareth Dadd, Derek Bastiman, David Chance, Michael Harrison, Andrew Lee, Don Mackenzie, Patrick Mulligan, Janet Sanderson and Greg White.


In attendance: County Councillor Stanley Lumley.


Officers present: Richard Flinton, Gary Fielding, Barry Khan, Catriona Gatrell, Matt O'Neill, Vicky Perkin, Melanie Carr and Daniel Harry.



Copies of all documents considered are in the Minute Book







Members of the Executive and Corporate Management Team introduced themselves, followed by other Councillors present at the meeting.






Minutes of the Meeting held on 25 January 2022


Resolved –


That the public Minutes of the meeting held on 25 January 2022 having been printed and circulated, be taken as read and confirmed by the Chairman as a correct record.






Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.






Public Questions and Statements


There were no public questions or statements.






Adoption of Minerals and Waste Joint Plan


Considered – A report of the Corporate Director – Business and Environmental Services providing an overview of the outcome of the Examination in Public by the Government’s Appointed Inspector into the Minerals & Waste Joint Plan (2015-2030) and accompanying Policies Map; and seeking a recommendation that the Authority makes the necessary procedural arrangements to complete the adoption process.


County Councillor Derek Bastiman introduced the report and drew attention to the process undertaken, the timing for determination, the supporting documentation and the consultation process carried out as part of the Plan’s development.  He also acknowledged the contribution of the previous Executive Member for Open to Business and the extensive work of the officers involved, noting it was a balanced and safe Plan that would protect the North Yorkshire area.


Matt O’Neil – Assistant Director Business and Environmental Services confirmed that consultation with communities, affected groups and industry had taken place.  He also acknowledged the contribution of City of York Council and North Yorkshire National Park colleagues, and confirmed the proposed Plan would now provide a strong strategic framework for the future.


Executive Members agreed it was a sound Plan that would strike an appropriate balance between industry and residents, and support business and the local economy.  All voted in favour of the recommendations in the report, and it was


Resolved – That it be recommended to the Chief Executive Officer that using his emergency delegated powers he make a recommendation to Council that:

i.       The Inspector’s Report and recommended changes be noted and the main modifications accepted;

ii.      The Minerals & Waste Joint Plan incorporating the Inspector’s Modifications circulated with this Report be adopted. In doing so, replacing the current policies in use for development control purposes;

iii.     The accompanying Policies Map be adopted;

iv.     The Corporate Director, Business & Environmental Services be authorised to make any further minor typographical amendments or updates in producing the final version of the document and, to take any necessary steps to conclude the adoption process; and,

v.      The publication of the Adoption Statement and Sustainability Appraisal in accordance with Regulations 26 and 35 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, be authorised;







Area Constituency Committee Feedback Report


Considered –  A report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services) providing an overview of the key issues considered at a recent meeting of the Area Constituency Committees. 


Resolved - That the report be noted.







Forward Plan


Considered –


The Forward Plan for the period 7 February 2022 to 28 February 2023 was presented.


Resolved -   That the Forward Plan be noted.





The meeting concluded at 11.20 am.




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